
St Joseph and St Teresa

Catholic Primary School




Welcome to our PTFA


We are the St Joseph & St Teresa PTFA, a registered charity run by parents, teachers & friends.


Our aim is to raise funds to help the school. The last two years, the PTFA have raised money to build the amazing clamber stack play equipment in the field, and the beautiful reading hut. They also fun coaches to the Christmas pantomime each year and support many other school events throughout the year.


This school year the PTFA have been asked to raise funds for in-school resources.


Our main aims are to:

  • Develop effective relationships between the staff, parents and others associated with the school 
  • Engage in activities or providing facilities or equipment which support the school and advance the education of the pupils.


Every parent, guardian, teacher & friend (grandparent/ godparent etc) are automatically members of the PTFA and we would love for as many people as possible to become involved and share their ideas.


Who we are

Your voted committee members for this school year (2023/24) are:

  • Chair: Karen Theedom
  • Vice Chair: Jon Berridge
  • Treasurer: James Theedom
  • Secretary: Emily Berridge


How can you help?

There are loads of ways you could get involved and we would love to hear from you.

Perhaps you could come to one of our meetings and help with ideas? Or perhaps your work offer grants or matched funding? Or you could volunteer at one of our events or organise your own fundraiser?


If you would like to set up a direct debit and donate a small amount per month, our details are:


St Joseph & St Teresa PTFA
Sortcode: 60-23-06
Account: 57502498


Get in touch!

Karen: 07890 054272
