Every child in has their own login to Times Table Rockstars. Click here to visit the site and learn those times tables!
Maths homework is set every other week via Mathletics. Click here to access the site!
Find some great Maths activities and videos on the BBC Bitesize Website -
KS1 (Years 1 and 2) - Click here
KS2 (Years 3,4,5, and 6) - Click here
This is a great game which you can adapt to different levels. It focuses on mental maths using addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. Click here to access the website.
Click here to find lots of fun activities and Maths games!
Test your number fluency by playing 'Hit the Button' by clicking here!
This activity exactly mirrors the 'Multiplication Tables Check' that will be given to children at the end of Year 4. To access the website, click here.
Please click here to access an article for parents with ideas of games and activities!