
St Joseph and St Teresa

Catholic Primary School


Collection/Drop Off & Late/Absence Procedure

Start of the day

The school day begins at 08.40 with the ringing of a bell on the playground at which point the children will line up class by class. Their class teacher will lead them into the school where they will enter their classes and school staff will assume their duty of care for pupils.


A member of staff will be on the playground from 08.40. This is to acknowledge that parents can ‘reasonably expect’ school to provide a basic level of supervision for pupils for 15 minutes before the start of the school day. Parents must wait with children on the playground until the start of the day (08.45). Children should not arrive for school before 08.40. If parents need children to arrive before this time they must remain with their child on the playground or book them into the breakfast club.


Bad weather

In very bad weather school will be open from 08.40 and children will be allowed to enter the school and go straight to their classrooms or go to the Hall for 'Wake and Shake'.


End of the Day

The school day ends at 15.15 for all pupils. Children will exit from class doors. If you are unsure which door your child will exit from you should ask your child’s class teacher. The following protocols are in place for the end of the day:-


EYFS & KS1 (Years 1 & 2 and Reception children)

Children will be passed directly over by a member of staff to the parent/carer collecting. If another family member, or friend, is collecting your child please let the school know so staff can look out for the appropriate adult.


Children will be allowed to find their parents on the playground. If their parents are not there they will wait with the class teacher until they arrive.


If the collecting adult appears to be more than 10 minutes late children will be sent to the reception area to await collection.



If your child is attending a club it is automatically assumed they will be collected by a parent/carer. If this is not the case parents must inform school of the arrangements they wish for their child. As with the end of the day, late collection procedures will be followed 15 minutes after the end of the club. Late Collection/Uncollected Children In the event of a child not being collected at the end of a session, the school wishes to cause as little distress as possible to the child and to the family. At the same time, the school needs to ensure the health and safety of the child is not put at risk. If a child is not collected at the end of a session the procedure will be as follows:

· The register will be checked for any information regarding collection of the child

· If no information is available, attempts will be made to contact parents/carers at home or at work as                     appropriate.

· If above is unsuccessful, attempts will be made to contact emergency numbers on the registration form.

· Attempts will be made to contact the parents/carers in any other reasonable way e.g. via another parent.

· Staff will not allow the child to leave school with anyone other than those specified by parents.

· Your child has not been collected from their club by 4.25pm, your child will be transferred to our new Wrap Around Care and you will be charged £1.50 for every 15 minutes (the cost of one session).

· If none of the above procedures are successful, Social Services may be contacted.



If your child is unable to attend school due to illness, parents must inform the school office between the times of 08.30 – 09.00. Once registers close, the office will begin to contact parents of absent children who have not contacted school. 


Medical Appointments/Collection during the school day

If children need to be taken out during the school day for medical appointments, parents should come to the school office to collect them. Parents should also inform the office in advance of this so that class teachers are aware. If appointments are in the morning parents should inform the office of the lunchtime arrangements for their child to ensure that a meal is available for them if required. Where possible parents should try and book medical appointments for outside of school hours to minimise disruption to learning. 

