
St Joseph and St Teresa

Catholic Primary School


Quotes from Chaplaincy Team

The highlight in Chaplaincy for me is going on a trip to Downside Abbey to receive our Chaplaincy badge and certificate to show we are officially Chaplains. We also got to have a picture with the Bishop.

Rose B: 

What I really enjoy of being in the Chaplaincy team is basically I just really enjoyed and enjoy learning new stuff about RE and I found it really fun!

Olivia P: 

I enjoy Chaplaincy because I like the trips. I enjoyed it when we went to Downside Abbey because we had a picture with Bishop Declan. 


I like Chaplaincy because we get to do fun activities about topics or do cake sales to raise money. We get to make posters for sales too.

Sophie R: 

I like being in Chaplaincy because we get to meet new people and help them by donating & fundraising.

Sebastian R: 

I like Chaplaincy because I like fundraising for the poor and less fortunate.


In Chaplaincy I enjoyed going to Downside Abbey and meeting the Bishop. 


I like Chaplaincy because I like to do fundraising which goes to good causes


I enjoy Chaplaincy because 

  • Going on trips to get our badges at Downside Abbey
  • Fundraising to help the less fortunate.


I enjoy Chaplaincy team because we went to Downside Abbey and we did the Advent Retreat and that was really fun. 

I enjoy Chaplaincy because we go on trips such as Downside Abbey because we meet Bishop Declan!

I enjoy Chaplaincy because we help many people who are less fortunate than us by fundraising lots of money for all sorts of different countries. 

Sophie H: 

I like being in Chaplaincy because I enjoyed going to see the GAIA in Wells. 


I enjoy Chaplaincy because we went to different classes on an Advent retreat to teach the joys of being a Catholic. 

My highlights of Chaplaincy is learning more about God by doing fundraisers and planning them. I also like going on trips to learn more about important people of the Church.

I like Chaplaincy because I like fundraising for Cancer and for the poor and for the children who don't have any food. 

I enjoy going to other classes and telling them more about the world and how much God has given us. 


I like being in Chaplaincy because I like doing the Chaplaincy only story and I like reading the Chaplaincy story to all the people. 
